SDC (English & Somali)

The Somaliland Development Corp

Key note statements:

Hon Alun Michael MP 9th MP Feb 2012 per Hansard:

“Despite its extraordinary achievements in stability and democracy, international donors cannot deal directly with its Government, and foreign investors face uncertainty about whether contracts—the basis of secure business—can be enforced. The point of the corporation is to establish an entity to circumvent that problem. Indeed, I hope that it might lead the Foreign Office, through our trade arrangements, to be able to underpin some of the potential for business development and trade with Somaliland, which is difficult at present. “

Hon Alun Michael MP, co chair of the UK All Party Parliamentary Group for Somalia and Somaliland:

“I know that the Minister has already welcomed one initiative, namely the establishment of the Somaliland Development Corporation. It is being established because of the lack of recognition that makes involvement in international trade and business difficult…. The point of the corporation is to facilitate international investment in Somaliland and economic interaction for the benefit of the Somaliland people. Hansard 9 Feb 2012 : Column 532

Hon Tony Baldry MP, co chair of the UK All Party Parliamentary Group for Somalia and Somaliland:

“It is excellent that UK initiatives are being taken by the voluntary and other sectors to set up a Somaliland Development Corporation, so that we here can give Somaliland whatever help we can with investment and job creation. Hansard  9 Feb 2012 : Column 536

U.K. Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Minister for Africa,  Hon Henry Bellingham MP:

“I take on board what my Hon. Friend said about the Somaliland Development Corporation and the role of the private sector. Hansard 9 Feb 2012 : Column 575

H E President Silanyo of Somaliland speaking at the London Conference on Somalia, 23 February 2012.

“Attracting foreign direct investment is critical to the future prosperity of Somaliland. That’s why we have launched yesterday the Somaliland Development Corporation.”


Hadalo muhiim ah:

Mudane Alun Michael, Xubin Baarlamaanka UK - Hansard (Hadal Qoraalka Baarlamaanka) ee 9 Febraayo 2012:

“In kastoo Somaliland ay guulo la yaab leh ka gaadhay xasilloonida iyo dimuqraadiyadda, deeq-bixiyaasha caalimiga ahi ulama macaamili karaan si toos ah dawladeeda; maalgeliyaasha shisheeyihuna  waxaa ka hor imaneysa shaki in heshiisyadooda, oo ah saldhiga mixnadda suggan, in ayna si sharci ah u fulin. Ujeedada shirkadani waxa weeye in la sameeyo haya’ad dhibaatadaa dhinac kale ka marta. Waxa aan aad u rajeynayaa in tani ku guubaabiso Xafiiska Arrimaha Dibedda in xidhiidhinta ganacsiga ay ku darto fursadaha kobcinta mixnadaha iyo ganacsiga ee lala yeelan karo Somaliland, oo hadda adag”.

Mudane Alun Michael, Xubin Baarlamaanka UK, ahna Gudoomiyaha (labaad) ee Gudida Baarlmaaanka UK ee Xisbiyadda oo dhan ee Arrimaha Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland – Hansard  9 Febraayo 2012

“ Waan ogahay in Wasiirku uu mar hore so dhaweeyey abuurista Shirkada Horumarinta Somaliland.  Sababta loo sameeyey waxa weeye ictiraaf la’aanta oo adkeysay ganacsiga caalmiga ah iyo mixnadaha …. Ujeedada Shirkadan waxa weeye in ay fududeyso maaligelinta shisheeye ee Somaliland iyo xidhiidhka dhaqaalaha oo faa’iido u ah dadka Somaliland.”

Mudane Tony Baldry, Xubin Baarlamaanka UK, ahna Gudoomiyaha (labaad) ee Gudida Baarlmaaanka UK ee Xisbiyadda oo dhan ee Arrimaha Somalia iyo Somaliland – Hansard  9 Febraayo 2012

“Aad ayey u fiicantahay in hindisiyaashan UK ay qaateen waaxyaha samafalka ah iyo kuwa kaleba oo la sameeyo Shirkada Horumarinta Somaliland si anagan halka joognaa aanu gacan uga siino Somaliland  intaanu kari karno maalgelinta iyo shaqo abuurista”

UK Xoghayaha  Hoose ee Dawlada ee Baarlmaanka kuna shuqul leh Xafiiska Dibedda & Arrimaha Barwaaqosoorka, ahna Wasiirka Afrika, Mudane Henry Bellingham, Xubin Baarlamaanka UK - Xubin Baarlamaanka UK

“Waxaan garowsaday waxa uu  ka yidhi Mudanaha Saxiibkey Shirkada Horumarinata Somaliland iyo maqaamka ay leeyihiin waaxyaha gaarka loo leeyahay”.

Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland, A M Siilanyo oo ka hadlayey Shirkii Somalia ee London , 23 Febraayo 2012:

“Soo jiidashada maalgelinta shisheeye ee tooska ahi waxay lagama maarmaan u tahay barwaaqada Somaliland ee mustaqbalka (waqtiyada soo socda). Taas weeye sababta aanu shalay u hirgeliney Shirkada Horumarinta Somaliland”